Guru - Astro

Electional Astrology


Electional astrology is the art of choosing the most auspicious and favorable times to initiate important events, such as weddings, business launches, or major decisions. By carefully analyzing planetary alignments and astrological aspects, it helps individuals or organizations select moments when the cosmic energies are most aligned with their goals, increasing the likelihood of success and positive outcomes for their endeavors. Electional astrology serves as a valuable tool for making well-timed and strategic choices in life.

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 Our Services

Natal Chart Reading is a personalized astrological analysis that deciphers the unique positions of the planets at the exact moment of your birth.
Astrological counseling is a therapeutic and supportive practice that combines astrology with psychological insights to assist individuals in addressing personal and emotional challenges.
Horary astrology is a specific branch of astrology used to answer specific questions or address pressing concerns by casting a chart for the exact moment when the question is asked.